Live Chat Screen

All the actions that can be performed on the Live Chat screen of Swiftsell

What functions does a Live Chat screen offer?

What qualification details are covered during the Live Chat?

The details will be auto-populated if the System defined variables are used. Below are a few of the details that will be visible during the conversation;

Details related to City, Country, and Zip Code are displayed via a third-party tool and are not always accurate

What modifications can be performed on qualification details in Live Chat?

You can follow the following actions to modify the qualification details in the Live Chat screen;


This feature allows you to create your own custom field and view the data by fetching it either from the variable or external source In-order to create the custom field, you can follow the following steps;

  • Click on 'Add Detail'

  • Give 'Title or Name' to the field

  • Provide data source for the data to be collected from and reflected in the field

  • Click on 'Save' to apply changes


You have the ability to re-order or re-arrange the fields as per your preference.

In-order to do so, you need to click on 'Top-Down Arrow' on the left of the field and 'drag & drop' to the desired position

Hide or Show

Using this feature, you can also hide or show the fields as per your preference. In-order to do so, you can follow the following steps;

  • Click on 'Edit'

  • Click on 'Eye' icon appearing on the left of the field to hide or show the particular field

  • Click on 'Save' to apply the changes


Using this feature, you can delete any fields that you wish to as per your preference. In-order to delete the fields, you can follow the following steps;

  • Click on 'Edit'

  • Click on 'Thrash' icon appearing against the field name

  • Click on 'Save' to apply changes

What are various criteria available to filter out conversation?

You can use various sets of filters to filter out the conversations. They are;

You can select either one filter or a set of filters to filter out the conversations

How to apply filters?

To apply filters to filter out the conversations, you can follow the following steps;

  • Access the 'Live Chat' screen

  • Click on 'Menu' gear

  • Select the 'Criteria or Filters'

  • Click on 'Apply' to apply the filters

To reset the filters, you can click on 'Reset'

What kind of conversation status are there in Live Chat?

In what states can the conversation be open?

How do I close ongoing conversations?

With Swiftsell, you can close the conversation with the visitor once the resolution to the query is provided by you or the agent as it indicates that there is no further action required, and also manage the ongoing chats without creating any further confusion.

You will be able to close the conversation that is either assigned to you or the agent Any conversation assigned to the bot will automatically close after a defined time

To close the conversation, you can follow the following steps;

  • Access the conversation assigned to you or an agent

  • Click on 'Mark Done' on the top right corner to close the conversation

The option to close the conversation will be greyed out if the conversation is assigned to the bot

How do I copy the chat transcript?

To copy the Chat Transcript of the Conversation, you can follow the following steps;

  • Access the 'Live Chat' screen

  • Select the conversation for which the transcript needs to be copied or downloaded

  • Click on the 'Page' icon at the top to copy the Chat Transcript

  • Paste the Transcript in the Email Body or Word Document as per your preference

The chat transcript will consist of a time of the chat along with the messages exchanged between the visitor and the bot

What are Labels?

With labels, you will not be able to group the conversations as per your preference, allowing you to filter out the conversations and access the same at any given point in time.

Benefits of using Labels:

There are various benefits of using Labels however to list down a few;

  • Grouping the conversation as per their objective

  • Easy access to the historic conversations

  • Prevents time consumption from filtering out the conversations

Use-Case Scenario:

Let's suppose the primary objective of the bot is to generate leads. It does get difficult for the users to identify the potential lead among many conversations that the bot is handling on a day-to-day basis.

In the above screenshot, we can notice that the user has created four labels “Intent to purchase”, “Good Lead”, “Student”, and “Debugging needed” allowing the user to group the conversation based on the purpose it serves.

How do I access Labels?

There are two ways through which you can access the labels in Swiftsell. They are;

The labels will be visible to you on the live chat screen along with the number of conversations tagged to them

How do I manage Labels?

There are three ways by which labels in Swiftsell can be managed. They are;

Creating labels in Swiftsell is pretty easy. There are two ways through which you can create the labels, they are;

  1. Through Live Chat: You can follow the following steps to create the labels using the Live Chat screen;

    • Click on '+' or '+ Create Label'

    • Give a name to the label as per your preference

    • Click on 'Save' to create the label

    You can also click on '+ Create Another' to automatically save the current label and create the new label

  2. Through the Settings tab: This is another area from where you can create labels. You can follow the following steps to create the label using the settings tab;

    • Go to 'Settings'

    • Click on 'Live Chat'

    • Click on 'Create Label' on the top right corner

    • Give a name to the label as per your preference

    • Click on 'Save' to create the label

What are Saved Replies?

It is a snippet of text that can be quickly added to the editor when replying to the customer or the visitor.

Benefits of using saved replies:

There are many benefits of using quick responses or saved replies however to highlight a few;

  • Speed up the response time

  • Tackling those issues/messages that require simple response

  • Provide consistent answers to the common questions

  • Manage multiple conversations

Use-Case Scenario:

Users probably get lots of routine questions that saved replies can help answer. Below are a few instances where users can try out saved replies,

  • Hours of operation: “Thank you for asking! Our hours are Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. We look forward to seeing you in soon!”

  • Holiday Hours: Yes! We will be closed on Christmas Day but will be open until 4 pm on Christmas Eve. Do you have any items that you are shopping for specifically?”

  • Hours for specific things: “Our lunch hours are from 11 am to 2 pm, but we serve breakfast all day – including our famous blueberry pancakes!”

  • Details about special deals: “Yes! We are running our Black Friday sale starting at 9 pm on Thanksgiving Day. First come first served on all our specials, and you can get early access to what we will have available if you sign up for our email updates here”

  • Your address: “We are located at 123 Any Street, Anywhere, ST 49505. We are right between Cliff and Garrett St. with the blue door. Come in any time we are open!”

How do I access Saved Replies?

There are two ways through which the 'Saved Replies' can be accessed in Swiftsell. They are;

You can access Saved Replies from the Live Chat screen by joining the conversation & clicking on the 'Bookmark' sign or typing '/' in the chat window

How do I manage Saved Replies?

There are three ways to manage saved replies in Swiftsell. They are;

Creating Saved Replies in Swiftsell is pretty easy. There are two ways through which the Saved Replies can be created;

  1. Through Live Chat: To create Saved Replies via Live Chat, you can follow the following steps;

    • Go to 'Live Chat'

    • Click on 'Join the Conversation'

    • Click on 'Bookmark' or type '/' to access the Saved Replies

    • Click on '+ Create Saved Reply'

    • Give 'Title' & define the 'Message or Reply'

    • Click on 'Create' to create the Saved Reply

  2. Through Settings: To create the Saved Replies via Settings, you can follow the following steps;

    • Go to 'Settings'

    • Go to 'Live Chat'

    • Go to 'Saved Replies'

    • Click on 'Create Saved Reply' on the top right corner

    • Give 'Title' & define the 'Message or Reply'

    • Click on 'Create' to create the Saved Reply

In Swiftsell, you can access and review all the historical conversations between the bot or the agent and the visitors, providing you the insights about the talking points.

It is quite helpful from a support use case as while the agent talks to the visitor, they can quickly check the previous conversations with the visitors so that accordingly further assistance can be provided.

You can follow the following steps to access the Related or Past Conversations;

  • Access the 'Live Chat' screen

  • Select the conversation

  • If the visitor is a known visitor, the details about the historical conversation will be visible under 'Related Conversation' on the right side of the screen

  • Click on a conversation to review the historical conversation

The related conversation will also display details about who closed the conversation and when it was closed

The historic conversation will open up in new window for review

What is a historical conversation in Live Chat?

It is part of the live chat screen that displays the historical conversation between the visitors and the bot or the agent

What are the elements of historical conversation in live chat?

Last updated