Executes a javascript code on the client side.
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Executes a javascript code on the client side.
Last updated
Javascript is a piece of code that can be run on the browser to perform an action. Some of the cases where a Javascript action block can be used are:
Performing maths calculations.
Dynamically rendering the values of the variables.
String modification.
Firing & tracking events in Google Analytics.
You can choose to run the Javascript code either on CLIENT / SERVER.
Here are a few of the snippets that you can use to perform the maths calculations within the chatbot flow:
Parameter | Snippet | Description |
Here are few of the snippets that you can use to render values in variables.
Parameter | Snippet | Example |
Here are few of the snippets that you can use to calculate the length of the variable or get part of the variable.
Here is the snippet that you can use to push or record events into Google Analytics or any other analytics tool
Here is the snippet that you can use to trigger the flow based on a specific day
Parameter | Snippet | Example |
Tool | Snippet | Example |
Parameter | Snippet | Description |
Summation (Addition)
const additionResult = num1 + num2;
Num 1 & Num 2 can be any number or variable which has a number stored in it
The result will be stored in additionResult variable
Subtraction (Minus)
const additionResult = num1 - num2;
Num 1 & Num 2 can be any number or variable which has a number stored in it
The result will be stored in additionResult variable
Division (Divide)
const additionResult = num1 / num2;
Num 1 & Num 2 can be any number or variable which has a number stored in it
The result will be stored in additionResult variable
Multiplication (Multiple)
const additionResult = num1 * num2;
Num 1 & Num 2 can be any number or variable which has a number stored in it
The result will be stored in additionResult variable
Set Variable (Conversation)
Set Variable (Contact)
Length of String
const lengthOfString = “variable_name”.length();
const lengthOfString = “some_string_content”.length();
//Output: 19
Calculates the number of characters passed/present in the value
Get part of a string
const partOfString = “variable_name”.slice();
const partOfString = “some_string_content”.slice(5);
Note: We need to pass the starting index from where we need to get the sub-string. The index starts from 0. //Output: string_content Commonly used to pass the phone number without country code
Google Analytics 4
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
gtag("config", "YOUR-MEASUREMENT-ID");
gtag("event", "YOUR-EVENT-NAME", {
// Additional parameters that you may want to pass
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
gtag("config", "123");
gtag("event", "Swiftsell_Test", {
"send_to": "123",
"name": "Test",
"phone": "123456789",
Get current date
const currentDate = new Date();
Helps to get the today’s date
Check if Fromdate should be more than Todate
isFromDateBeforeToDate(fromDate, toDate) {
const fromDateObj = new Date(fromDate);
const toDateObj = new Date(toDate);
return fromDateObj < toDateObj;
Helps to trigger the flow the day specific flow